לדלג לתוכן

שיחה:איל משולש/מאמר שני

תוכן הדף אינו נתמך בשפות אחרות.
הוספת נושא
מתוך ויקיטקסט, מאגר הטקסטים החופשי

סעיף לו - ח' אופנים - קצוות ואמצעים


If I understood correctly it would seem the Vilna Gaon is assuming an added paramater of significance regarding ratios, namely whether something is "inside" or "outside". The Gaon is differentiating for example between 1-2 = 6-12 as being different from 6-12 = 1-2. The difference being that in the former the 2 and 6 are "inside", whereas in the latter the 2 and 6 are on the "outside/extremities". Not clear what the significance of that is if any. Maybe it has some kabbalistic significance but that's just conjecture on my part.--Roxette5 (שיחה) 00:27, 16 במאי 2018 (IDT)תגובה