לדלג לתוכן


מתוך ויקיטקסט, מאגר הטקסטים החופשי

ניתן ליצור תיעוד על היחידה הזאת בדף יחידה:אנדרסן/תיעוד

o = {}

local articleTitle = function(day, month, year)
	heb = "נאום זלסקי"
	return "[[" .. heb .. " (" .. day .. " ב" .. MonthGetName(month) .. " " .. year .. ")|" .. day .. "]]"

p = {}
p.isLeapYear = function (year) -- year MUST be an integer
	return math.fmod(year,4) == 0 and (math.fmod(year,100) > 0 or math.fmod(year,400) == 0);
local Month = {
	"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr",
	"May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
	"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
local monthNumber = {}
local monthInit = function()
	for i, name in ipairs(Month) do monthNumber[i] = name end -- working as a dict

MonthGetName = function (month) 
	if month ==	1 then return "ינואר"
	elseif month == 2 then return  "פברואר"
	elseif month == 3 then return  "מרץ"
	elseif month == 4 then return  "אפריל"
	elseif month == 5 then return  "מאי"
	elseif month == 6 then return  "יוני"
	elseif month == 7 then return  "יולי"
	elseif month == 8 then return  "אוגוסט"
	elseif month == 9 then return  "ספטמבר"
	elseif month == 10 then return  "אוקטובר"
	elseif month == 11 then return  "נובמבר"
	elseif month == 12 then return  "דצמבר"	
MonthGetNumberOfDays = function (month, year)
	if month == 1 or month == 3 or month == 5 or month == 7 or month == 8 or month == 10 or month == 12 then return 31
	elseif month == 4 or month == 6 or month == 9 or month == 11 then return 30 end
	if p.isLeapYear(year) then return 29 else return 28 end
--Month.printM = function (month)
--	return "called";
--	return Month.printM(month, 1) -- default

MonthPrintM = function (month, start)
	local ans = ""
	for i = start, MonthGetNumberOfDays(month), 1 do
		ans = ans .. " " .. i
		if math.fmod(i, 10) == 0 then ans = ans .. "\n" end
	return ans;

local firstYear = 2022;
local firstMonth = Feb;
local firstDay = 24;

local years = p.years; -- years as an array

-- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
printDays = function(day, month, year)
	local daysInMonth = MonthGetNumberOfDays(month, year)
	local text = MonthGetName(month) .. " " .. year
	text = "[[:w:he:" .. text .. "|" .. text .. "]]\t"
	for d = day, daysInMonth, 1 do
		text = text .. d
		if d + 1 < daysInMonth - 1 then text = text .. " • " end
	return text;

o.printDays = function(vars)
	local day = tonumber(vars.args[1])
	local month = tonumber(vars.args[2])
	local year = tonumber(vars.args[3])
	local daysInMonth = MonthGetNumberOfDays(month, year)
	local text = ""--MonthGetName(month)
	--text = text .. " " .. year
	--text = "[[:w:he:" .. text .. "|" .. text .. "]]\t"
	for d = day, daysInMonth, 1 do
		text = text .. articleTitle(d, month, year) 
		if d ~= daysInMonth then text = text .. " • " end
	return text;
p.main = function(main)
	local text = ""
	text = text .. printDays(24, 2, 2022) .. "<br>"
	for i = 3, 12, 1 do 
		text = text .. printDays(1, i, 2022) .. "<br>"
	for i = 1, 12, 1 do
		text = text .. printDays(1, i, 2023) .. "<br>"
	return text;
	--return table.foreach(Month, Month.printM)
	--for i = 1, i < 12
	--local text = "";
	--text = text .. 
	--return Month.printM(Month["Jan"], 1);

p.main2 = function()
	line1 = "{{ניווט קבוצות"
	line2 = "| כותרת = נאומי [[:w:he:וולודימיר זלנסקי|וולודימיר זלנסקי]] בעת [[:w:he:הפלישה הרוסית לאוקראינה|הפלישה הרוסית לאוקראינה]]"
	line3 = "| תמונה = [[קובץ:Do everything you can for us to withstand together in this war for our freedom and independence - address by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. (51977034742) (cropped).jpg|100px]]"	
	line4 = "| קבוצה1 = 2022"
	line5 = "| רשימה1 ="
	line6 = "}}"
	return line1 .. line2 .. line3 .. line4 .. line5 .. line6

return o;