Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/229

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«ttn D}); 12 t. more in Ezek. (of wh. Co del. 2, cf. supr.) 21 2 ( = njO"PI and 3JJ); "in TflfJ toward som<A 40 242427 , rd. also *BJ TJJ 42'° for OTfcl '1 © Ke Co ; 'in "W «nt<A </o«« 4 o [27 i ffl -™ cf. Co supr., 40" (opp. pav; also DHp), v 4S (opp. pSX)

ia ="$ 41" (opp. pax), 'in nia^b 42 13 (opp. 

tlQV). Elsewhere only Dt 33 s3 (||'d:), Jb 37 17 ; Ec i 6 u 3 (both opp. pBX). t"YTVT n.[m.] thistles (coll.) (Ar.^lj,j , still current in Pal.,Low" 100 ;Eth.^WC:) _ > , !l^PP Gn 3 18 (J) Ho io 8 symbol of wildness, desert. T W) vb. resort to, seek (cf. Ar. jlTp rub over, efface (a site), tread (wheat), fig. read repeatedly, study; .*.»» beat (a path), discuss, Pa. practise in; NH search out (a meaning), ex- pound)— QalPf. 1 Ch io 14 ; ImpfWrV ,f, io 4 + , neh-iK 1 S z8 ; , n^T]} 1 K 22'+ , f&j?. Is 55 s ; imv.'-tf~F 1 K 22 5 + ; Inf. abs. trn Lvio 16 Dt 23 s2 ; cstr. Eh"i Dt 22 2 + -eh T "£ Ez 14 7 , B^^ (scribal error for tfrnb Ew» 2S9 * Ol' 245 «) Ezrio' 6 '; i>«. Ehl Dt 11 12 + iot., Ehn 1 Ch 28 9 + 3 t.; pass. DW 1 ; yj, 1 1 1 2 , nern Is 62 12 ; syn. K>p3;— . (tread a place,) resort to, frequent, with re- ligious obj., c. acc.loc. Am 5 5 2 Ch i 5 , ? loc. Dt 1 2 5 . . see&, consult, inquire of; a. ace. **, D'ipX Gn 25 22 (J)Exi8 ls (E) I S9 9 iK22 8 2K 3 ,1 8 8 22 1318 iChi5 13 2i 30 2 Chi8 7 34 21 ^24 6 78 34 Je2i 2 37 7 EZ20 13 ; the ark of God 1 CI113 3 ; wordofYahweh iK22 5 (=2Chi8 4 )cf. iKi4 5 ; with3Yahweh iChio 14 2Ch34 26 Ezi 4 7 ; hisword2Ki 16 ; with W, ^"b? Jb5 8 ; their GodIs8 19 , Messianic king Is 11 10 ; '" IBD-^yO out of the book of Is 34 16 (in gloss, ace. to Che , « J,n1892 ' 332 ) ; c. iniKO of a "6tOaj iK22 7 (=2Chi8 6 ) cf. (supr.) v 8 2K3" and 1 K 1 4 5 (^©V*?). b. heathen gods and necro- mancers, KTnr 1 the inquirer Ez 14 10 ; with 3 ; aix nbp 1 S 28 7 , 3i«3 1 Chio 13 , M3, by?3 2 K j2.36.i6. ' w ; th ^ niasn-^s i s 8 19 , DvierrbK Dt ", B^IW^J Is 19 3 . 3. seek deity in prayer and worship : a. tlie true God (cf. B'pa 3)

  • Bnn Dt 4 20 Ho io 12 Am 5 4 " Is 9 12 31' 55" 58 2

65 10 Jeio 21 29 13 Zpi 6 La3 25 1 Chi6" (rr^ios 4 ) 28 9 2Chi2 14 i4 36 i5 2 - ,2 i6' 2 22 9 26 6 ^9 u 22 27 34 511 119 2 ' ; D'nb^n) trn 2Chi9 3 26 5 3o 19 ^i4 2 (=

3 ) 69 s3 ; T 'jfW, V77 3 ; with b, only in Chroni- 

cler, mn4 1 Ch 2 2 19 2 Ch 1 5 13 20 3 Ezr 6 21 ; twfo6 2 Ch 17 4 3 1 21 3 4 3 Ezr 4 2 ; Dr" ,,r - 603 finds in Chr weakened mng. , revere, b. seek heathen deities, c. ace. Je 8 2 2 Ch 25 15 w ; with |», Dt 1 2 80 2 Ch 1 7 s . 4. a. see&, with idea of demanding, require (B'pa is seek, simply), with ace. lost sheep Dt2 2 2 Ez «- 8 "; goatLvio" 1 ^?); with nnN, after green fodder Jb 39 s . b. inquire, investigate (a matter), abs. Ju 6 :9 Dt i3 15 i7 4 - 9 19 18 ; with ace. niaab-ba '1 0T*fl all hearts Yahweh searches 1 ( b.28 9 ; riBitsn EH-p to inquire into t/ie wonder 2 Ch 3 2" ; with p, to inquire about 2 S 1 1 3 Jb 10'; sq. ?? pers. + inf. 2 Ch 24" apply to the Levites to bring, etc., cf. 3 1 9 (?5? both pers. and rei). 5. ask for, require, demand, c. ace. rei Ez 20 40 ; + |D pers. Dt 23 s2 Mi 6* ; exact, oft. with collat. idea of avenging, DJtt? Dt 18 19 , so with TO Ez 34 10 , BTH in? D1 Gn 9 s (P) Ez 33"; ace. only, D'OI eni yj, 9 13 , SVf-) '1 io 15 ; abs. v 413 2 Ch 24 s2 . 6. seek with application, study, follow, practise, abs. by wisdom Ec 1 13 ; with ace. BEB>a '1 study or practise justice Is I 17 16 6 ; * '^P j/ m 2 ; jrr^J) 2to Am 5 14 ; commands of God f 1 ig* 6 - 94156 1 Ch 28 s ; the law Ezr 7 10 ; tDli>B> 'l seek or study the peace, welfare of any one Dt 23' Je 29 7 Ezr 9 12 , ttfadh Je 38 4 , 210 '*! Est 10 s , nj?i 'l Pr 11 27 ip- 38 13 (cf. E>p2 2, where this use is more common). 7. seek with care, care for, 1B>X p«  WW trn T^* miP land which Yahweh thy God carethfor Dt n 12 ; ni^K <ljp hf )^ let not Eloah care for it Jb 3"; 'T tfi> IjniK Je 30"; 1CX nBn^Pr 3 i>3 ; w ith^Je3o' 7 ; V??j> #1" W mo one careth for me j/ 142 5 ; but in both these |> perh. belongs to PS, cf. || T?P $ pK f 142 6 , also La 4 4 etc.; flWTI cared for (of Jerus.) Is 62 12 . ITiph. P/. En-ij Gn 42" ^Eni? Is 65 1 , V<T)13 1 Ch 26 31 ; Impf. WfXff Ez 14 3 20 3 ' 31 - 31 3 6 37 ; /w/.'abs. Eh'nxn Ez 14 3 (for Knnnn); — 1. lei oneself be inquired of, consulted, only of God Ez 14" 20 3 - 3 ' 31 36 s7 Is 65 1 . 2. be sought out 1 Ch 26 31 . 3. be required, of blood (cf. Qal 5) Gn 42 s2 (E). Note.—Q^n^"]^ W'Hl arui 6«</ <wt< of their desolate places ifr ic»9 10 (Kial. wedorsu, vid. Baer); many MSS. rd. 'Bh^, so most interpr.; ® Hup Bi Che rd. wW 6« driven from. t [tIH"|Q] n.[m.] study, exposition, mid- rash, only cstr. Bn"]l? (late; common in NH, in sense of imaginative exposition or didactic story) — Cabon 1BD Ehno midrash of the book of Kings 2 Ch 24 s7 ; ^ N^n EhnD mi Wra«A 0/ </t« prophet Iddo 2 Ch 1 3 s2 . These were prob. of a didactic character, cf. Dr Intr497, t [^li^ -T] vb. sprout, shoot, grow green (As. dasd Pi make abundant Lyon s * n ""'"" to ' 7 ; cf. also sub NS'I!, whence, ace. to others, vb. denom.)— QalP/WEn J02 22 (subj. yff rrtHJ).