Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/720

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"P^p Sinai; — name of mt. of law-giving in J and esp. P (3"?H in E and esp. D): Ju 5' f 68" Dt 33 s (poem), also Ex 16 1 (P); usu. Tp-in ('JD- Lv 7 38 + ), rarely J, Ex 19 2023 and perh. 34 s4 , elsewh. mostly P, 24 16 3i 18 34 29 - 32 Lv7 38 25 1 27 s4 and 26 46 (H), Nu 3 ' 28 s , also Ne 9 « . ,yp na-ip frp Nu i 19 + ), Ex i 9 1J Lv 7 s8 Nu ,i..9 3 4.» 9 u I0 a 26 64 3 3 i5.i6( all P) ; _i n v iew of these facts, and of E's use of 3"lh (q. v.), it is prob.thatEx 1 9 1118 (inEpassages)are fromR. — © S(c)ti>a. Identif. dub.; local tradition names Jebel Musa, mt. at S. end of peninsular between the two arms of Red Sea, so Rob BB '- 90lr " " ,11B - 12!! cf. Stanley 8lMl " d p,a - ilL al., specif, its N. spur, Mas »S'a^(i/eA;butLepsius Brlefe345ff - 4,6ff Eb G8 "' ,s92ff al. advocate «Sier6a/,,NW. from Jebel Musa(on trad., cf. Eb">- 413ff ) ; v. discussion Di"* 19 - 1 . Against both is the working of Egypt, mines in the penins. as late as the 19th dyn. (v. Eb Q8135 ' 148ff > 159,etc ), involving presence of soldiers there. This, and connex. with Midian (cf. also Ju 5 s ), have led to search for Sinai further NE, near head of Gulf of Akaba, or even in Seir, so Sav Monum. n us«.ft c f.'GFM JU,s ' 6i6 ' 1 and Yakut, cited by Id 179 "■*, also v. Gall A1, '"- KuW<t12 ; on sanctity of mt. v. further RS»™i. nor, *>*«!. mi g m Bel. Gesch. 30

    • TD adj. gent, only subst. Gn i o 57

= i Ch i 13 a Canaanite people, in north, © tox 'Acre vvaiov ; cf. city Sidnu, ' on shore of sea,' in As. inscr. D1 F,2S2 , 'S.iwav (ace.) in possession of those holding Lebanon Strabo* 11,28 (v. Di 0n ). tCrp adj. gent. pi. = subst.; 'D fix L,

12 , identif. with Chinese by Thes 948 - 950 De Che 

"""""•al.; but see v. Richthofen "" 1 - 436 '- 504 , rev. by Yule^"" 339 ; Di Du; T. de Lacouperie BOB I .« ff ,m<r. ) who thinks of jg ina> at foot of Hindu Kush, but unlikely; rd. prob. B'JJB (or tTJJD), so Che 1 ""^ 275 -" 4 H "«-, cf. already JDMich. D^D Je 8 7 Qr v. I. DID. tOD^D (GFM Ju4 ' 2iPA08,lx0898)>160 cp. Hittite names in sira); — 1. general of Jabin, king of Hazor Ju 4 2 + 1 2 t. Ju 4 ; appar. himself king £"***; c f. 1 S 1 2 9 1// 83 10 ;— on 'D v. GFM JU ' I07a = PAO8,c -; © 2( e y<rapa. f2. N l? , '?"'?.i>, returned exiles, Ezr 2 53 =Ne 7 s5 ; @ Saaapad, liaapa, etc. t NyD, NHJ^p KV'p-ija returned exiles Ne7 47 =Kn5rB _, ?3 Ezr 2"; © Ne Aaovta, X laaovux, A Siaia, ©L Iaxriou; © Ezr 2cor;X, A Ao-aa, ©L luxTia. fi. "VD n.m. Jel - 13 et f. 2K4 ' 38 pot (probably foreign wd. (Egypt. ?), Ar.Jjj a large water-jar Lane 1276 is perh. loan-wd.; on Gk. deriv. crtpos, aipivos, v. Lewy Fre,I " i " 107 );— 'D abs. 2X4"+, cstr. Exi6 3 + ; pi. TITD 3 8 3 , niTD 1 K7 45 +; sf. vriTp EX27 3 , D?"nTp ^58'°;— pot: 1. a. household utensil for boiling 2 K 4 a3, ' fMU ', I'ran 'D Ex i6 3 (P), Zc I4 2 '; rRBJ 'D Je i 13 (cf. nsi; in vision), symbol, of Jerus. Ez 1 1 3711 24 s ' 6 ; fig. also f 58'° (cf. Che); in sim. Mi 3 3 Jb 41 23 Ec7 6 . b. ^!}-i'0yj,6o w my washing-pot, io8 10 . 2. pots used in sanctuary, Ex 27 s 38 s (both P), 1 K 7 40 (rd. niTD for MT nil*?, so Codd. of •§ © 33 Th Ke Klo Kmp Benz), v 45 =2 Ch 4" 16 , 2K25 14 =Je52 18 ,alsoJe52 19 2Ch 3 5 13 Zci4 20 .— Here belongs prob. 'Tip in !TiDn T3, v. p. 92 b. f 11. ["I^D] n.[m.] thorn, hooked.; cf. DTD in Sab. Hom ZMQllvla892) ' 532 );— 1. pi. D'TD, thorns, sign of desolation IS34 13 , a barrier H02 8 , on Nai 10 v.p?p]; Tpn nnn 'en i>ip3 Ec fas the sound of thorns (crackling as they burn) under the pot. 2. pi. nlTp hooks Am 4 2 (cf. n3« sub nn; IpiSS; on relation of meanings v. nin , fX). - ["Pit ™D, ni3D v. 11. "JJD. TD^p Am 5 s6 read prob. Trap, = As. Sakkut (epithet of Adar-Ninip= Saturn), Schr 8K 1874 - 332' coTAm6,2 6j cf Tiele Gesch - 628 Bae*" 239 Rogers =»w- »">•'«• (Vrss Thes al. = n3D ni3D). tni^n PftZD 2 K 17 30 , As.-Bab. deity, worshipped by Babylonians in Samaria ; text of name corrupt; Scnr 001 *" 1 "*- (after H. Rawlinson) prop. Zir-b&nit, or Zarpanituv, wife of Marduk (cf. Hpt ADd0,MBe,, - > "' 1886 Muss- Arnolt JBLll(1892 >' 167 ) ) rejecting Sakkut-Unutu= Marduk Dl 1 "" 215 ; Jen ZAlT - 352 makesni33 = 6 a w?< M) epithet of IStar ; all doubtful. tO"*3p a people in army of Shishak ace. to 2 Ch 12 3 (between &yb and D'Eto) ; © TpayXoSvrat, SO 93 ; ®L 2ov X teip.. +1. [^Tp^] VD - overshadow, screen, oover (|| /to I. "p'B> (which is prob. orig., cf. Ar. eli, and Frii 90 ) ; NH T'DH cover, and perh. ^]3D roof over); — Qal Pf only 2 ms. nbp EX40 3 , nn'ap Las 43 - 44 , nnisp V140 8 ; Impf. 3 mpl. »d;i i k 8 7 , sf. ot$d; Jb 4 o 22 ; Pt. act. n?io