Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/635

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N"Q2 contemn, spurn,, obj. etc. : Nu 14" 23 16 30 (all J), L^i 20 Is I 4 ^ io 313 Je 23 17 ; obj. "■ DB> f 74 1IUS ; "" nnCN Is 5 24 ; *• nH3D 1 S 2 17 ; once obj. Jerus. Is 6o 14 ; cawse <o contemn (blaspheme AV RV) 2 S I2 14N (but 'Jl* prob. interp.; v. Comm). Hiph. /«»/>/. yah v. )>XJ. Hithpo'el P«. K? 5 "? *90 DVn-b Is 52 s every day is my name contemned. t H2N3 n.f. contempt, contumely ; — DV 'i nroirn Vny 2 k i g 3 = Is 37 s . t [n2N2] n.f. contempt (toward '<), blas- phemy [—pi. nftW Ne9 18M c. nfe^, of Isr.; I'rtSKJ Ez 35" of Mt. Seir, spoken against tpKj vb. groan (Aram. p*<3 (rare)); — Qal Pf. pSJl consec. Ez 30 24 c. ace. cogn. fig. of Pharaoh before king of Babylon (emend. Co v. ng|tj) Imp/. Jb 24" *$» r[npN2] n.f. groan, groaning; — cstr. TW1 Ex 6 5 '; sf. tjn^MJ Ex 2 24 Ju 2 19 ; pi. cstr. rtfpKJ Ez 30 24 ; — groaning of oppressed people Ex 2 24 6 5 Ju 2 19 ; of a wounded man Ez 30 24 ; (® Co nja X& for MT rrtpK? pM*., but cf. Berthol).* [ iNj] vb. only Pi. exact mng. uncertain; prob. (from context) abhor, spurn (De comp. Ar. Aj abhor, but this is med. j); — Pi. Pf. subj. ' T» La2 7 (obj. teNpPj ||n:j) ; 2 ms. nrntw ,/, 89 40 (obj. V?V n "1?; |pfo and rat, DKO v 39 ; doubts cast on text by Hup (reading Jtu), Now, Bu L * 2 ' 7 ). T2j 1. ancient priestly city 1 S 22 19 cf. v 11 c.n loc. ru'j (Ges S90 ■ 2ld ' 1,, •), 2 1 2 2 2 9 ; © No/i|3a, 'Sofifia, Noj3a, etc.; peril. = 13} (q.v.) Ezr 2 M =Ne 7 33 , Ezr io 43 , © Na/3ov, Na^., etc. Site dub. ; on Jerome's identif. with Nobe near Lydda cf. Buhl G ~« r 189 ; a Bet Nuba lies c. 13 m. WNW. fr. Jerus., c. 10 SE. fr. Lydda. 2. Is io 32 just N. of Jerus., station in (ideal) Assyr. march ; cf. Ne 1 1 32 (inhab. by Ben- jamites); perhaps= 1. — 2 S 2i 6 read 33 (q. v . p. 146 supr.) K1J (v/offoll.; EwFlDeKb^" 1 ' 133 ^. s^, * . comp. Ar. Cj [Uj utter a low voice, or sound, (esp. of dog); announce; but also be exalted, elevated (sil> eminence); in, iv. acquaint, inform, LIT information, announcement, intelli- gence] ; As. moid, ca//, proclaim, name, Dl HWB441 ; Eth. iaa: speak; Sab. K3Jn ? cf. Levy- O s z* ai ix. 1365 ' • CIS" 1 -" - "; Ges Kue al. think weakened form of j?33 bubble up, pour forth (of flow of words under excitement of inspiration); Hup Ri Sch cf. DN3 ; v. careful discussions by JJgProph.ll,n. 18 J£gOBL71S. t033 n.m. spokesman, speaker, prophet — '3Gn20 7 +i55t.; sf. 1*f33 Ex 7 1 ; pl.DWai Nu n M + 82 t.; B*N33 Je*27 18 + 16 1.; sf. WSJ

  • 105"; VN33 1 K 22 s2 ; Sf?3 2 K *?*> etc.;—

1. genuine prophet of'*, K'33, anciently called i"lN"> , 1 S 9' (antiquarian note) ; change prob. occurred in times of Elijah and is first reflected in Ephr. lit. as applied to Abraham Gn 20 7 ; Moses Dt 34", M. and other early proph. H06 5 I2 ii.ii.u.i4 Am2 n ' 12 ; of proph. in ecstatic state Nu I2 6 (E), 11 24 (JE). So in Judaic lit., of prophet like Moses Dt i8 1513 (D), of Aaron (as mouthpiece of M.) Ex 7 1 (P), of Sam. 1 S3 20 , an unknown Ju 6 8 ; in time of Sam. proph. were organized in bands : t 0W23 pan 1 S io 510 ; t'^n npni> i S 19 20 ; and in time of Elijah were + Q , N , a?n V.a— members of prophets' guilds i K 20 35 2 K 2 357IS 4 1 ' 3838 ; S03J of genuine proph. (besides phrases), in Judaic prophets, only of Jer., Je i 5 ; Ezekiel, Ez2 3 =33 33 ; of ancient prophets Je 28 8 ' 9 - 99 Zc i" 8 9 ; esp. tDW33H cieta-in Zc i 4 7 712 , cf. ttrtonan (i)nas) my (his) servants the prophets 2K9' 17 1323 2 i 10 24 s (all R D ) Ezrg 11 Dn 9 10 Je 7 25 25 4 26 s 29 19 35'* 44* Am 3 7 Zc i 6 , cf. Ez 38 17 Dn 9 6 ; Y™ "3V his servant the prophet I K 14 18 2 K 14 25 ; K^Zian withn. pr.: Jer., 2Ch36 l2 Dn9 2 +3i t. Je (but © only 4 t., the rest prob. redactional, see Gie Jor - m "); Elijah 1 K 18 36 (om ©), 2 Ch 21 12 Mai 3 a ; Nathan 2S7 2 +iot.S.andK.; 4 t. Chr. V'Si 2 (title); Isaiah, 2 K 19 2 20 114 =Is37 2 38' 39 1 ; 2 K 20 u 2 Ch 26 a 32 2032 ; Habakkuk Hb i 1 3 1 (titles); Haggai.Hg 1 '•»■'» a 1 - 10 ; Zech., Zc 1 17 (titles); elsewh. several others in S., K. and Chr. 1 5 1. ; toaj is used elsewh. of genuine proph. only 1 S 9 9 + 34 1. S. and K. ; 1 Ch 1 6 M = yfr 105 15 , + 1 3 1. Chr.; ^ 7 4 9 complains of absence of 'j ; N'afi jitn Dhn^ Dn 9 24 v. cnn. 2. false prophets: t prophets as official class, beside priests, charact. as false prophets : Is 28 7 Je 2 26 " 14'° 1 i

11.:«.34 26 32 32 Zc 
3 , app. also 2 K23 2 Ne9 32 La2 20 Je2 9' EZ7 26 

(in these not characterized); alw. false (exc. of ancient and special prophets given above) in Am 7 14 Ho 4 s 9 78 Mi 3 6611 Is 3 2 9 14 29 10 Je 2 8 ' 30 v r 2